Well, two more countries in Europe, the Netherlands and Norway, have now legislated the move to open standards, etc.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Now the New York Stock Exchange can be added to the list of stock exchanges moving to linux. I'd say you can bank money on the security, stability, etc. of linux...;-) New Zealand changed years ago, and was quite pleased with the vast increase in performance, etc.! And the Chicago Mercantile Exchange moved to linux years ago. :-) And now Tokyo (world's second largest) exchange is moving to linux. It would seem that those who claim linux 'isn't secure, stable', etc. really don't know what they are talking about, apparently ;-)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A hospital software vendor has been quietly moving all of its medical applications to linux! :-) Smart hospitals will have more money to redirect to more pressing needs than sending money to B.Gates corporation. McKesson is reporting Medical expense savings of more than 50%!!?! :-)
And do you want to get linux on your laptop? Then checkout this database of thousands of guides to linux and laptops! :-)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Want to help the environment? Go green with linux! :-) And buy an OLPC XO laptop (see previous post.) And want to help out on human rights? Again, open source to the rescue! :-)
Saturday, December 08, 2007
So it is with great pleasure that I see the OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) project beginning to take off. Please consider purchasing one from the laptopgiving site. And a little known fact is that the XO computer is the most 'green' computer EVER made! Non-toxic and totally recyclable! :-) Order one today and help spread education around the world this season. (And of course, it runs linux! :-))