Canadian Education

A forum for discussion of issues important to the future of education for Canadians.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Well, no surprise for me. I've known for years, that linux is far, far more secure than any windoze machine...I'm just wondering when the politicians and other computer illiterates will wake up to this fact. Pity that their 'experts', corrupt and incompetent as they are, continue to, (sucessfully, unfortunately,) brainwash ignorant PHBs, school administrators, etc. Meanwhile, many countries, schools, etc. are about to leapfrog ahead of Canadian M$ dominated schools, as one can read on this website.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So, as Microsoft continues to attack free software, they really do make some ridiculous statements from time to time. Consider this from some MS clown:

But Paulo Ferreira, the platform strategy manager at Microsoft South Africa, said: "There is no such thing as free software. Nobody develops software for charity."

I, (and millions of others) beg to differ. Having developed software for charity, it's evident to me that MS, despite its propaganda campaigns about its so-called 'charity' (which harms people!), continues to brainwash the ignorant.

And then there is the disturbing trend of unaccountable philanthrocapitalism invading the education system.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Interesting article looking at the ever increasing growth in the use of linux! :-)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Seems the government in the Phillipines is doing a better job than the Canadian government...

a story about the Philippine government's weather service (PAGASA), which has recently used an eight-PC Debian cluster to replace an SGI supercomputer. The system processes data from local sources and the Global Telecommunication System, and it has reduced monthly operational costs by a factor of 20. Quoting:

"'We tried several Linux flavours, including Red Hat, Mandrake, Fedora etc,' said Alan Pineda, head of ICT and flood forecasting at PAGASA. 'It doesn't make a dent in our budget; it's very negligible.' Pineda said PAGASA also wanted to implement a system which is very scalable. All of the equipment used for PICWIN's data gathering comes off-the-shelf, including laptops and mobile phones to transmit weather data such as temperature, humidity, rainfall, cloud formation and atmospheric pressure from field stations via SMS into PAGASA's central database.";1611547855;pp;1

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Having personally witnessed the waste of millions of taxpayers dollars in Canadian schools (and ongoing), it is frustrating to watch other countries save billions and then redirect those much needed funds to other needs. When will our politicians and administrators wake up? And then there is this interesting news concerning the growth of linux! :-) So, curious about how much of your tax dollars are going to Microsoft, instead of helping kids? Here's a quote from a recent insider:

"The school district I grew up at pays MS $400,000 every year for the software assurance program (and then $75,000 to Symantec to secure it). The total budget is about 150 Million. This can not be sustained.

Windows can not compete with Linux. That's why they use lock-in, FUD, etc.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

And so it goes. Microsoft using NGOs in order to extend its lock-in and profits...
Quite appalling. And our politicians waste millions of taxpayers dollars, sending them to B. Gates, as if he needs it, while programs to truly help the needy, etc., go wanting, due to corrupt and/or illiterate politicians.Link

Saturday, March 01, 2008

So, Microsoft is up to its usual shameful tactics, as noted by these several articles. Yet, our politicians continue to support this appalling corporation. You know, it's true, there really are no leaders in politics. Just corporate hacks.