And the beat goes on...Citroen has moved to linux...Union Bank, one of the largest banks in the U.S. has moved to linux...(Nota bene: article mentions that virtually ALL of the Fortune 500 are using linux, etc.) And here is a nice summary of how things are moving along...and here's another with a few examples...:-) Savings in schools, government, health care, etc., using linux? about 30 MILLION euros (about $45 million!) shown in this article? How about getting the Real facts? ;-) Or this list of government, schools, businesses, etc. using OpenOffice? :-) And one has to wonder how many more linux computers there are out there that aren't publicized? Personally, I think desktop penetration is far higher than most people think, because a lot of that info is suppressed, discounted, ignored, not counted, etc.
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